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Why Dogs For


Medical studies and clinical research show that a therapy dog can not only have medical benefits - such as stress relief, or lower blood pressure - but provide a sense of comfort, confidence, and companionship.

Kiwi Pride Australian Labradoodles have over 18 years of very careful, selective breeding practices behind them, combining fantastic health with calm therapy and companion natured temperamented puppies which has enabled our dogs to very much suit therapy work for many many years with great success. Our puppies combine allergy and asthma friendly, non shedding coats, 3 different sizes and many colours to suit everyone, this has meant our dogs are very suited for the role of a therapy dog and can fit into almost all family or facility situations.


Kiwi Pride Australian Labradoodles has primarily designed their early training programme around young families . We place our puppies a lot earlier than with other programes as we find allowing particularly children to grow up with their puppy helps to form that bond not seen or established with an older puppy. We install the foundations for a solid start establishing basic commands and toilet training routines so that the puppies can fit seamlessly into their new homes. This is to ensure the integrity of the training programme and what we are trying to implement can actually be achieved because each puppy can then be fully immersed into a busy family lifestyle , best replicating its new home life once it is placed and leaves our early training programme.


During the training programme puppies are socialized and desensitized to many sights and sounds that are age appropriate and vaccination status relevant, we use puppy culture methods to help to encourage an outgoing puppy that is ready to take on the world once it leaves us. We can simulate some of the home life scenarios the puppy will need to be subjected to thus enabling the puppy to be desensitized to these scenarios in the new home.  We also direct our training programme to enable relevant socialization with other animals, home environments and lifestyle situations per each family’s requirements.





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